Thursday, 15 February 2007

About Hope For Kids

Hi, I’m Hope and I am fundraising for Children at Risk.

Where will your money will go?
The Born to be Free Project in India.

Cambodia’s Neava Thmey Centre.

The Street Children project in Bangladesh.

The Mongolia Street Children project.

Who will you be helping?
Children who are sold into bonded labour to repay debts.

Providing skills, training and education for children rescued from bonded labour.

Offering income generating activities to the whole family as alternatives to child labour

Rasing awarness of child rights in villages.

Health care, counselling and skills education for street children.

Think about it – Being abused, exploited and endangered is something you’d never wish for a child. It’s a reality though. Children in our global community ARE being exploited – Leaving them without Hope.

Here are the facts:
More than 150 million children around the world are street children – They are orphans or have been abandoned, abused or neglected.

More than 210 million children aged 5-14 go to work every day, instead of school.

25 million children around the world today are victims of armed conflict. Some are refugees, others are abducted and forced to become solders or worse…

My Target for these children is $350. Please help out by donating some money at my Rampant Homepage!



Anonymous said...

This is awesome Hope! Well done. I put a post on my blog about it, so hopefully people support what you are doing :o)

Anonymous said...

PS. It would be cool if you could keep posting info relating to the different issues you are working to raise awareness of and if you can get any info on the specific projects where the money is going, that would be great.

Through this blog, you can help educate me :o)