Friday, 23 February 2007

Bonded Labour – The Born to be Free project

Most of the people in Pernambut and its surrounding villages live BELOW the poverty line. Hurried and struggling parents ‘mortgage’ their children into bonded labour to receive cash loans for family needs. Children are employed mainly in manufacturing industries, such as making beedis (hand-rolled cigarettes) and fireworks. They are bonded in to labour until the family’s debt, plus interest, is fully repaid. The employers often physically or mentally abuse the children that work for them and force the children to work in unhealthy conditions for little or no pay.

The Born to be Free Project by World Vision releases children from bonded labour and provides a ‘transit school’ for child labourers who have missed out on education and skills for a long time. This project also helps disadvantaged families find alternative ways to raise income and raises awareness of children’s rights in their villages.

My Target for these children is $350. Please help out by donating some money at my Rampant Homepage!

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